Monday, August 10, 2020

4th of July Weekend #339-352

Beginning July with the 4th on a weekend went well as there were more places opened for social distanced dining/drinking and we were able to visit two breweries in particular.


#339 - Aslin Cat Theory
#340 - Aslin Daddy Juice
#341 - Aslin Power Moves

#342 - Caboose The Fog IPA
#343 - Caboose Rowan Sour
#344 - Caboose Fog IPA with Pineapple & Peppercorns
#345 - Caboose Amarillo Pepper Rye
#346 - Caboose Kveiking Leprechaun Irish Ale
#347 - Caboose Slam Dunkel
#348 - Caboose Duchess Coffee Porter

And over the weekend and going to lunch on the Monday after, I was able to cobble together a few more in some of the restaurants in Old Town Alexandria.  

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